Waste water treatment units
The larger the pre-treatment system (tub, sprayer type of) the more likely it is to deal with waste water treatment as well. In that case, semi-automatic or automatic waste water treatment equipment is usually included in the system.
From the operation point of view, the units can vary between sectional and continuous operation modes. The difference between the two methods of operation is that with the sectional mode, the system treats a definite amount of waste water collected in a collector tank, while with continuous operation, the waste water amounts arriving from the pre-treatment line are treated right away.
Waste water treatment is always carried out according to the local and environmental protection requirements. Only treated and neutralised waste water may be released to canals. The separated, screened materials are collected selectively and they need to be shipped and disposed by a specialised disposal medium or company. In case of an automatic system, it is the responsibility of the operator to carry out periodical checks and the any relevant discharge. The automatic systems are PLC-controlled. The pump of the collecting shaft forwards the untreated waste water from the pre-treatment line to one (or more) tanks. From that point, the main activity is that of the waste water treatment equipment’s. From the collecting tank, the neutralisation of the waste water is done with the help of various units of equipment (sludge press, angle-lamellar decanter, pH feeders, agitators etc.). In case of a manual or semi-automatic system, the operating personnel has various tasks to complete (manual control of certain units, valve opening and closing etc.), however, this means a solution that is more favourable in price. The waste water treatment unit is also designed and produced following the pre-treatment task applied. Therefore, it always contains such units and elements, by which it can treat and neutralise the waste water under the given pre-treatment operation. Waste water treatment units are offered as a complete unit including the preparation of the necessary licence for establishment and the legal approval of water rights.
Waste water treatment equipment may consist of the following main and auxiliary units:
- treating reactors with compressed air mixing (waste water from the shaft is delivered here)
- angle-lamellar decanter
- conical sludge decanter
- gravel screen
- screen press
- acidic, alkali waste storages
- chemical feeders and other feeding pumps, chemical containers
- level measuring devices, regulators, pressure switches, automatic valves
- agitators, rota meters, control devices
- safety and health care devices (eye shower etc.)
- control cabinet with control elements
Oil separators
The pre-treatment units, due to their duty remove the dirt, grease and oil stuck on the work pieces. The removed contaminations are put in treatment tubs which, in course of time are filled with the grease and oils. There are various methods for separating the oil depending on the amount of oil generated along the process. For our equipment, we generally offer belt or separator screen tanks.
The belt version is a cheap and simple solution and is especially applied at separating primarily smaller amount of oil. The endless belt is connected to the tank and is equipped with a scraper. The oil stuck on the belt, going through the scraper, gets to the collector tank which, periodically needs to be discharged to the collectors designed for purpose.
In case of the screen type of separator, the oily water of the tank needs to be circulated onto the screen, whereas the filter tank separates the oil from the fluid. This method is absolutely more efficient system than that of the belt version and therefore it represents a higher category in price as well.